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Based on our Declaration of Health Management, the Seiko Group has established a Group-wide Health Management Promotion System, and is advancing measures for the maintenance and enhancement of employee health across the entire Group.

Fundamental activities : Health management

The Seiko Group made the “Declaration of Health Management” in fiscal year 2019, and since then have been promoting initiatives for the health maintenance and improvement of all employees across the Group.
The Seiko Group has been recognized under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (Large-Enterprise Category) for four consecutive years starting in fiscal year 2019. Five other Group companies have been the same recognition.
Going forward, we will continue to conduct health seminars and work with health insurance societies and occupational health staff to further improve employee health awareness.

Promotion system
Promotion system
Declaration of Health Management
Declaration of Health Management

Illness Prevention

We conduct regular health check-ups with comprehensive testing, including cancer screenings (for stomach, lung, colorectal, and others). After these regular health check-ups, we arrange individual follow-ups by occupational health physicians. We also conduct occupational health interviews for employees who work long hours or experience mental health issues. All of these steps are part of our efforts to help employees prevent rather than cope with illness.

Providing Treatment for Illnesses While Allowing Employees to Continue Working

We provide various forms of support to help employees balance their need for treatment with their desire to keep working.

【Economic Support】

  • Income Support System for Long-term Leave (GLTD Insurance)
    Provides partial compensation for income in case an employee becomes unable to work due to illness or injury
  • “Big Three” Support Insurance
    Provides a lump-sum payment in the event an employee contracts any of three major health issues (cancer, acute myocardial infarction, or cerebral infarction) or specified in-situ carcinomas.

【Support through Systems】

  • Leave of Absence System
    Vacation and leave of absence systems support recuperation and treatment, as do shortened workweeks (working 1 to 4 days a week), among other steps.
  • Flexible Working Hours System
    Shorter working hours due to personal illness, including a staggered working hours (Selective Time) system and a telecommuting system.
    Trial Attendance System
    Individual determination of suitable working conditions, etc., when returning from long-term absence due to illness.

Safe and Secure Workplace Environment

Safety and health management

Fully implements the safety and health management regulations specified in the Labor Standards Act, Industrial Safety and Health Act and other legal provisions of Japan relating to safety and health. We aim to ensure the safety and health of employees through such means as appointing persons in charge of overall safety and health, health supervisors and industrial physicians, providing periodic health checks and establishing the Health Committee.

Promoting mental health measures

In accordance with the Guidelines for Promoting Mental Health Care in Enterprises of Japan issued by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in August 2000 and in response to the shift to mandatory stress check tests following revisions to the Industrial Safety and Health Act of Japan in December 2015, we are promoting employee stress check tests, management training, specialized care from industrial physicians, and the establishment of an external consultation desk, etc.

Principal measures relating to mental health

Self care (employee stress check test, etc.)


Employee care (management training, etc.)


Care from internal health workers (specialized care from industrial physician, etc.)


Care from a specialized institution outside the Company (establishment of an external consultation desk)

Related Data Available Here

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