Emotional Value
Solutions Domain
Aiming to Realize Emotional Value Appreciated by Customers
The Emotional Value Solutions (EVS) Domain, composed of Seiko Watch Corporation, Seiko Time Creation Inc., and Wako Co., Ltd., is a core business of the Seiko Group that pursues emotional value with products and services of exceptional quality, delivering inspiration and smiles to our customers.
By providing unique customer experiences characteristic of the EVS Domain, we aim to enhance the value of the Seiko brand and corporate value along with the growth of each business.
Group business performance

- Emotional Value Solutions
Domain - Sales: 1,883 (100 million yen)
Operating Profit: 172
(100 million yen) - Watch Business, Clock Business, System Clocks/Sports Timing Business, Wako Business
- Device Solutions
Domain - Sales: 583 (100 million yen)
Operating Profit: 21
(100 million yen) - Device Solutions Business (electronic devices, precision devices, printing devices, others)
- System Solutions
Domain - Sales: 404 (100 million yen)
Operating Profit: 47
(100 million yen) - System Solutions Business (system-related, IoT-related, payment-related)